
Why Invest in Multifamily in South Carolina

28k+ Jobs Added Since 2022 Governor McMaster indicates the number of new jobs incorporated into the economy doubled in 2023 South Carolina's thriving economy — with 14,000 new jobs added in 2023 — presents a lucrative opportunity for investing in multifamily real estate. This significant growth builds upon the 14,000 jobs that were previously added in 2022, showcasing a promising...

Construction 101: A Comprehensive Glossary of Terms

Many construction projects involve complex terms that can be unfamiliar to those not directly in the field. This glossary aims to bridge that gap by offering clear and understandable definitions. With this resource, anyone involved in a construction project — from architects reading plans to clients wanting a better understanding of the building process — will have the tools to...

Thinking About Investing in a Duplex? Think Bigger.

Investing in real estate can be a smart choice, but not all investments are created equal. There's no denying rental properties are a surging market. Mortgage interest rates have risen dramatically over the past few years, high enough to price many people out of purchasing a home. It means the demand for rental properties is high. You don't have to...

Why Invest in Multifamily in Austin, Texas

No. 2 Fastest-Growing Austin, TX is ranked as the second fastest-growing large metro area nationwide Austin's strength is partly fueled by its youthful population. A quarter of the metro's residents are aged 20–34 according to a recent CoStar market study. The young, educated workforce has attracted businesses offering high-paying jobs, boosting the median household income above the national average and...

Gen Z on the Move: How Changing Demographics Are Shaping Multifamily Demand

The landscape of the multifamily market is undergoing a significant shift as Generation Z  — the generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s — enters adulthood. This generation is poised to become the driving force behind rental demand, fueled by their population boom, economic realities, and distinct lifestyle preferences. Gen Z is a larger generation than Millennials — the generation...

5 Multifamily Investing Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

While multifamily real estate offers undeniable advantages like consistent cash flow, long-term appreciation, and diversification benefits, it's crucial to have a full understanding of these fivecommon mistakes to maximize success. 1. Lack of Transparency Investing in multifamily opens the door to exciting opportunities, but to successfully navigate its complexities, careful consideration is necessary. A lack of transparency and misaligned interests...

Dream Big, Build Bold: Roers Companies’ Journey to National Leadership

Where It Began Roers Companies was founded by brothers Kent and Brian Roers in 2012 as a response to a) the need for innovative multifamily housing solutions in fast-growing areas, and b) demand for unique real estate investment opportunities for private individuals. Recognizing this opportunity, Kent and Brian proactively engaged bankers, contractors, and investors to develop a sustainable financial model...

Steady Performance in the Suburbs: Venue Apartments Deliver Reliable Returns

Anchored by a 19,000-square-foot ALDI store, Roers Companies’ Venue Apartments also features 134 market-rate homes, bringing amenity-rich living to the heart of Chanhassen’s downtown area. Venue’s location offers incredible convenience for residents to walk to shops and restaurants or utilize the Southwest Transit hub just steps from the property’s doors. This type of development was the first of its kind...

Multifamily Real Estate 101: A Beginner’s Guide

What is it? Multifamily real estate is any property with multiple units rented out for people to live in — apartments, condos, townhomes, and even manufactured homes. Multifamily makes up about 25% of all U.S. commercial real estate and is worth over $5 trillion in asset value according to data from CoStar. Types of Multifamily Developments: Market Rate These apartments...

Beyond the Big Cities: Unlocking Profits in Minnesota’s Suburbs

35.1% average annual return Minnesota projects have an excellent track record of providing high investor returns Over the past seven years, Roers Companies has built a portfolio of 28 developments in Minnesota. In those 28 projects, Roers Cos. investors have seen an average annual return of 35.1% on sold properties and 9% annual income on existing operating assets. 18% rent-to-income...

Workforce Housing: Axle Apartments Shows the Power of Smart, Sustainable Housing

One of Roers Companies’  largest multifamily projects completed to-date, Axle Apartments, welcomed residents to its 262-unit community in Spring 2022. A northern suburb of Minneapolis, Fridley is a well-established and well-connected community, which made this site an attractive opportunity for Roers Cos. Axle Apartments is a workforce development that targets the underserved “middle” tier of renters earning approximately 80% of...

Renting Ranks Supreme as Rising Home-Buying Costs Squeeze Buyers

For many, the door has closed on the opportunity to purchase a home in today’s market. Constricted by an unyielding market driven by historically low inventory and interest rates hovering near record highs, renting has become the most logistical option for many. Ever-soaring home prices and higher mortgage interest rates have simply priced many out, providing the most impact to...

The Apartment Apocalypse? Unmasking the Myths of Multifamily Investing in 2024

Amid the blaring noise of information throughout 2023, there have been many conflicting perspectives regarding real estate, construction, and interest rates that make it difficult to discern the truth. This makes it challenging for most to paint a clear picture of what we can expect in the multifamily landscape in 2024. In the paragraphs to follow, we’ll take a precise...

Maven Apartments: A New Era for Burnsville, Minnesota

When Roers Companies learned the city of Burnsville had not seen a new apartment development since 2006, they knew the demand for their 137-unit apartment complex — Maven — would draw incredible interest from local residents. The adjacency to transit coupled with pent-up demand from a lack of development in the primary market area yielded a recipe for success. Situated...

Beyond Brings 98% Return to Investors

Located just outside of St. Paul, Minnesota, Woodbury proved to be a stellar location for the 255-unit community, Beyond Apartments. Roers Companies’ development team sought out this location for many reasons, one of which was the city’s growth and focus on new developments. Roers Cos. was able to capitalize on this momentum and growth. This two-building (four- and five-story) property...

Why Invest in Multifamily in Florida

2.5M population increase By the year 2030  Florida’s population is expected to grow by 2.5 million Of the entire United States, Florida is one of the fastest-growing states with a consistent population growth rate of at least 1.5% each year. Last year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Florida saw the biggest increase of any state with a 1.9% rise...

4 Reasons Why Today’s Multifamily Market Is Nothing Like The Great Recession

Between 2020 and 2022 monthly asking rents increased by 15 percent marking the fastest spike in rents in nearly a century. This statistic coupled with ever-rising home prices have pushed some casual observers into a state of fear regarding an impending crisis. Between these factors and tightening credit, steeply rising interest rates, and distress within the commercial sector at large,...

Doomsday or Opportunity? The Truth About Multifamily in Today’s Economy.

Lately, business media outlets have sounded alarm bells regarding the commercial real estate sector, peppering in dramatic terms like "tsunami" and "crash" to illustrate what they’re forecasting as an impending crisis in the market. We've been closely monitoring these articles, and we share the consensus that several formidable economic factors are converging within the commercial real estate arena. These include lingering supply and labor...

Economic Outlook and Impact on Multifamily

The U.S. economy is facing a number of challenges including high inflation, rising interest rates, and a downgrade of the country's credit rating. However, business leaders should not be alarmed by these headlines. A similar downgrade occurred in 2011, and while market dynamics are different to then, these developments are most commonly associated with the back side of the natural economic cycle. When this cycle...

How An Off-Market Sale Delivered 137% Return on Equity 

In 2020, Roers Companies’ development team saw potential in land being marketed for sale in Lakeville, Minnesota. Despite the uncertainty brought on in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team moved forward and purchased the land for what would become Northlake Lofts. The opportunity was too good to pass up. At the time, Lakeville was number one for...

Why Multifamily Real Estate Investment Outshines Single-Family Rentals in 2023 

In the dynamic world of real estate investment, how does one decide between a single-family home and a multifamily property? While investing in single-family homes and renting them out remains a prevalent practice, multifamily properties are proving to offer better stability and profitability in 2023. Here are four compelling reasons why multifamily real estate stands out as the investment of...

Opportunity for September Capital Gains Deadline

Should you have any questions or wish to delve deeper into Roers Cos. Opportunity Zone investment options, please don't hesitate to reach out to the investor relations team: We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started.

Stocks, Bonds, and Real Estate Asset Volatility and Performance Comparison

Multifamily real estate investments offer less volatility than stocks and REITs, are not correlated to the stock market, and offered better annual returns than bonds in all but two years since 2000. Most investors will benefit from a diverse portfolio with a mix of high-growth and stable investment types. If private multifamily investments aren’t part of your asset mix, it...

Opportunity Zone Benefits

In summary: Investing in up-and-coming “opportunity zones” offers significant tax-deferral opportunities, and if you hold your investment for 10 years, your gains could be 100% tax free. NO OFFER OF SECURITIES; DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: Under no circumstances should any material on this flyer be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy...

Why Invest in Multifamily in Minnesota

NO OFFER OF SECURITIES; DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: Under no circumstances should any material on this flyer be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy an interest in any investment. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of the confidential Private Placement Memorandum relating to the particular investment....

Debunking 5 Common Housing Market Myths

How does this impact Roers Cos.?On a recent project, the lender increased our rate from the 5.5% we had originally agreed on to 6.0% — a $500,000 hit to our budget. We chose to move ahead at the higher rate.Why? As the project general contractor, we were in a prime position to navigate seasonal and market shifts. We’ve already garnered...
Investing Opportunities

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