View our video collection to learn more about investing with Roers Companies. Hear from our investors about their experience investing with us, learn what drove our founders to build the business, and explore where multifamily can fit in among your investment portfolio.
Check out our explainer video to learn more about investing in real estate and the advantages to multifamily investment with Roers Companies.
Hear from Founder Kent Roers about the origins of the company and the role investors play in our story.
Take a look at these interviews with our senior leaders and investors to learn more about the investor experience and why Roers Companies often outperforms other asset classes.
Take a look at this video to learn more about the process of investing with Roers Companies.
Take a look at this video to learn more about why investors should consider investing in direct private real estate with Roers Companies.
Whether you’ve sold real estate or a business or have profits from selling stocks or bonds, don’t let the opportunity to maximize your capital gain expire.
Opportunity Zones offer tax benefits to investors if they timely invest those gain amounts (within 180 days of realization) in a Qualified Opportunity Fund and if they hold their investment for 10 years, gains could be 100% tax free.
Explore why Roers Companies is the key to your investment success. This video dives into the benefits of multifamily investing with Roers Companies, including their history of strong returns, focus on stability, and potential tax advantages.
Roers Companies is a vertically integrated company with in-house development, construction, leasing, property management, and asset management. Learn what that means for our projects and our investors.
Discover why Roers Companies continues to attract investors seeking strong returns and a proven track record. In this video, we’ll explore the factors driving investor confidence in Roers Companies and their multifamily real estate strategies.